Kapha Dosha – or Slesma is a derivation of “ka” = water and “slis” – embracing. Kapha represents a hydro principle, which stays for stability, unification and synthesis. Earth and water are the dominating elements for Kapha.

Kapha types are quiet popular, because the have an even temper and are steady and reliable. They are slow but secure, generate wealth and usually have many offsprings. Qualities, which are highly appreciated nowadays with all the hectic rush, distractions and stress. The good news: we all own the Kapha Dosha within ourselves. Each of us has parts from all 3 Doshas!

Qualities, that Kapha creates and mantains: heavy, mucous, stable, immobile, sweet, oily, soft and cold. I imagine a humid chunk of clay to remember these qualities.

Functions of Kapha

Anabolism, stability, resisting power, potency, lubrication of joints, physical strength, nutrition, tolerance, contentment, patience and serenity.

Kaphas place

Kaphas “headquarter” is the chest. And it´s also located in the head, in the throat, the tongue, the joints, in the upper part of the stomach, and in blood plasma (Rakta Dhatu).

Typical qualities of a Kapha constitution

General appearance: heavy, corpulent, good proportioned, good looking

Body qualities

Shoulders, chest: wide, profound, firm, good developed

Arms: long, large, big, firm, good developed

Hands: big, huge, oily, cold, firm

Legs: big, firm, strongly developed

Feets: big, large, well built

Joints: big, firm, smooth, well lubricated

Nails: thick, smooth, big, firm, oily, clear coloured, like white pearls

Haut: clear/light coloured, thick, smooth, humid, soft, cold

Hair: curly, black, soft

Face: round forms, attractive, oily, full smoothy lips, big eyes, symmetric forms


Stool: average, contains mucous, formed

Urine: colourless, average quantity

Sweat: little

Appetit: hunger and thurst less, but constant

Voice/ Way of speaking

Voice: resonant sound, profound

Way of speaking: slowly, central theme, well thought, certain

Strength: excellent, nobody is stronger (except Pitta for not giving up)

Power of resistence: excellent

Walk: slowly, steady, calm

Mental qualities

Attitude: steady, decided, secure, slow

Behaviour: calm, patience, tolerant, loyal, satisfied, respects the elder, religious

Emotions: stable, mature, calm

Intelligence: good

Memory: excellent (like an elephant)

Sleep: more than 8 hours, profound

Hobbies: water sports

Sensibility: against cold

Deseases: overweight, diabetis, arteriosclerosis

Relationships: long and good old friendships, strong, stable

Sexuality: excellent, much energy

Offspring: many

Wealth: plenty

Animals related to Kapha Dosha: lion, elephant, cow, horse, swan, eagle


Kapha Dosha increases through: too much relaxation, sleep or pauses. Kapha types should avoid: naps during the day, motionless, fat, sweet, heavy dishes, eating to much, lack of touch, not having goals

The Kapha Dosha is dominance during childhood, in the morning, directly after food consumption, in springtime and around midnight.

Typical Kapha deseases: sensation of heaviness in the body, dullness, immobility, laziness, lack of appetite, sleepiness, loss of resilience, bad digestion, diabetis, arteriosclerosis, cough, sweet taste in the mouth, cold in the body, obstruction, white colouring of organs or excrement products.

What is good for Kapha and what is not so good

The digestion fire (agni) from Kapha is quiet slow. The food is not digested completely, the persons feels inactive, lazy, tired and not stimulated after the meal. Slags remain in the body. They bloat the body tissue and overweight is a result of it. Exercise and movement in fresh air, outside and a stimulated digestion are essentiel to a Kapha constitution. Mental flexibilty can be achieved by learning languages, intensiv discussions, mathematics or just in exchange with others.

For a Kapha balancing alimentation, all food products with a light, spicy, dry, hot, bitter and astringent quality are recommended. To give Agni a drive the dishes should be light, warm and good spiced. Hot, bitter and stimulating spices are very welcome! A glas of warm water and a short walk before eating also bring a good effect. Cheese and other animal proteins should be avoided, or at least reduced.

Fruits good: all sweet fruits in small quantities. Especially apples, peas and apricots

Fruits not so good: bananas, dates, grapes, mangos, papayas, plums only in small quantities


Veggies good: barley is excellent for Kapha, spelt, mais, buckwheat, rye, and millet also

Veggies not so good: oats, wheat, horse chestnut


Fats good: fats should be consumed very carefully, not too much, the best option are olive, sesam and sunflower oil and ghee

Fats not so good: cream, butter, deep fried fats


Proteins good: legumes like chickpeas, and seeds

Proteins not so good: legumes difficult to digest like black lentils, white beans, fat cream cheese, milk, meat


Spicery: all hot, bitter and agni stimulating spices are good, like turmeric, chili, garlic, ginger, cumin, fenu greek


Sweetener: Honey is the only sweet that doesn´t increase Kapha. So have a spoon of honey sometimes!

For those who would like to increase the Kapha parts in your constitution, this can be achieved on a psychic/mental level. Through a sattvic alimentation, some adaptation in your daily habits, for example start practicing with a morning meditationon a daily level. You won´t get a “thicker skin or more muscles”, as Kapha people naturally do, but you´ll find it easier to confront the challanges in your daily life.





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