Rice health effects

Rice next to the wheat forms part of the most important staples of the entire world population and constitutes 30% of the cerealiculture worldwide. Rice is cultivated in more than hundred countries and the cultivated area most at the north is located in Switzerland, near Locarno. China and India, the two most populous countries are dependent on the supply with rice. „For more than 3 billion people, rice should assure the basic alimentation. Unfortunately, this is not the case…Until 2025 additional 1,5 billion people will need rice as a source of nutrition.”*

Rice in its natural form has more nutrients than refined white rice. It aids in digestion and satiates longer. It need not always be 100% brown rice. There is semi-whole grain rice that could be useful for people who want to start changing their diet gradually.


1 cup brown rice
2 cups water
Cooking time: 40 – 50 minutes


*1 Bill Laws, Fifty Pants that Changed the Course of History. P. 144, 2010, Random House Struik

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