Ayurveda science

Ayurveda is a life philosophy and a science, which supports all mankind to live a long, happy and satisfied life. (Sanskrit: Ayus = life and veda = knowledge). Ayurveda doesn´t belong to any religion. It´s a universal wisdom a life.

“The ayurvedic medicine is one of the huge legacies, that the wise from indian antiquity left to humanity. As one of the oldest medicine-science systems it can offer a long tradition of clinical expertise.”1

Ayurveda is a holistic science, that considers life from birth until death and includes the connection between body, spirit and soul when it comes to manifestation of deseases. How we nurture ourselves, how we act, which kind of lifestyle we apply is such as important as to choose the right medication. The rishis (viewers) obtained their wide knowledge on nature of the universe and the creation on all levels through precise observation and meditation. Nonetheless ayurveda remains understandable for ordinary persons. It´s simplified representation is a pedagogical method.

Ayurveda describes the body and his function on the base of the doshas (functional components), dhatus (structural components, tissues), malas (excreta products like urin, stool and sweat) and srotas (transport spaces/canals). Thats for all of us comprehensible.

Each person has been born with his own unique constitution, his specific “pakruti”. The constitution is defined by the proportion of the three doshas (body juices): Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is the “boss”. He determines our capacity to move and be active. Pitta leads our metabolism, the digestion and body temperature. Kapha cares about our stability, the growth and our immune system. To obtain more information about the three doshas please click here: Pitta  Kapha  Vata.

Ayurveda puts great value on the balance of the three doshas. If this balance is disturbed through increase of one or mostly two doshas, diseases will manifest.

An ayurvedic doctor confirms during the first treatment your “Pakruti”, through questions, through  physiognomic signs that are familiar to him. In a second step the doctor will determine your actual constitution, the “Vikruti”. Through the three finger pulse method, through questions, looking at your tongue, your fingernails and he´ll be able to tell you which dosha is unbalanced / increased. This disequilibrium will be balanced through a special diet, through ayurvedic herbs or a panchacarma treatment. The disease dissapears.

Here we can see a significant difference to the allopathic medicine. Not the deasease will be treated in the first place, but the increased dosha that caused the disease. It needs more time and the active implication of the patient. Than he/she will be recover.

Looking at very grave diseases like cancer, aids among others, ayurveda only can´t heal. But it can support the allopathic medicine. Ayurveda promotes an healthy and individually adapted lifestyle for each of us, so that diseases don´t even have the chance to come up. Diseases manifest when a dosha is increased. So many of the ayurvedic therapies are based on “reducing”. Through cutting out what´s not good for the patients nature (food, behaviors..) there will be a big step to recovering.

Ayurveda recommends to follow some special “rules” in our daily alimentation: a warm breakfast in the morning, the importance of the six tastes, avoiding certain food combinations like milk and sour fruits ( a no go!), taking care about agni – our digestive fire, which must function very good to use all the nutritions we ingest for our body, eating in a quiet place, without stress and much more.

Ayurveda is a complex medical system which becomes more and more appealing to the patients here in the western world. Ayurveda looks at human beings as an unseperable part of nature. The wellbeing of any individuum depends on his environment. Microcosmos = human being is the mirror/copy of the macrocosmos = universe. Therefor all human beings should live according to the laws of nature.


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