Kuzu starch with healing power

Kuzu (Pueraria lobata, or kudzu) is a very resistant creeper of the Japanese mountains. The starch is extracted from the root of this plant and is a magnificent thickener. Of neutral taste, you can use it to thicken sweet or salty, soups and sauces. The more Kuzu you add, the denser the consistency will be (much like pudding).

Kuzu contains many healing substances that traditional Chinese medicine has applied for centuries to fight certain diseases: Kuzu lowers fever, is an anti-inflammatory for the intestinal tract, regenerates the intestinal flora, helps purify the liver, relieves pain in the joints, lowers blood pressure and reduces migraine headache pain. Anyone who wants to stop smoking or drinking alcohol must try Kuzu. It slows down considerably the addictive factor!


Kuzu is diluted in a cup with a little cold water. When the kuzu and water become a smooth diluted solution, it can be added to soup or anything that you want to thicken. It must be constantly stirred during the process. Bring to a boil briefly and the soup is ready. Kuzu is not cheap, but it is well worth its price as an integrator in the preparation of some dishes.


Kuzu – Apple: a soothing beverage

Heat 1 cup of apple juice. Use just a small quantity in a glass and dilute it with a teaspoon of Kuzu, add it to the hot apple juice and stir with a whisk. Remove it from the heat when the juice becomes transparent again. Allow it to cool a little and drink or eat it warm. It is very rich, with a slight sweet and sour flavor. Ideal as an afternoon beverage.

Kuzu – Shoyu: to fight off the flu

Boil 1 cup of water with the Kuzu already dissolved in it. Add 1 tablespoon spoonful of Tamari Shoyu (Soy sauce) to give it a rich flavor.

For a stronger version, add a teaspoon of umeboshi paste and a bit of freshly grated ginger.


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